Singing Guide: Gin Wigmore

Singing Guide: Gin Wigmore

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Gin Wigmore

Gin Wigmore is a singer from New Zealand known for her unique vocal style combining blues, rock, and pop. Her voice is characterized by a raspy and soulful quality, with a distinctive vibrato that sets her apart from other singers. In this article, we will explore how to learn to sing like Gin Wigmore, including her vocal technique and recommended Singing Carrots resources.

1. Analyze your voice

Before you start practicing singing like Gin Wigmore, it is essential to know your voice type and vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that can help you determine your range. Once you know your voice type, you can start practicing exercises that will help you improve your singing skills.

2. Practice breathing exercises

One of the most critical elements of singing like Gin Wigmore is breath control. Breath support helps you sustain vocal tone and maintain stamina while singing. Singing Carrots offers plenty of resources for breathing exercises, including breathing basics and breath support.

3. Work on your vocal technique

Gin Wigmore's voice is known for its gravelly tone, which she achieves by singing from her diaphragm. Singing Carrots offers numerous exercises to help you develop your chest voice and voice registers. Make sure to also practice vocal breaks, which are essential for transitioning from one vocal range to another.

4. Sing with emotion

Gin Wigmore's unique vocal style is not just about her technique but also about the emotion she puts into her songs. Singing Carrots has an article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking that can help you learn how to put your emotions into your singing.

5. Use Singing Carrots resources

Singing Carrots has a wealth of resources that can help you sing like Gin Wigmore, including a song search tool that lets you find songs that suit your vocal range and difficulty. You can also use the artist vocal ranges tool to explore the vocal ranges of famous singers like Gin Wigmore. Finally, make sure to check out the pitch training tool, which offers interactive vocal warm-ups to improve your pitch accuracy.


Singing like Gin Wigmore can be challenging, but with the right tools and techniques, you can improve your singing skills and develop your unique voice. Make sure to use Singing Carrots' resources, practice your breathing and vocal technique, and sing with emotion to master Gin Wigmore's unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.